Scheduling Details

- Training takes place 1x per week
- The day of the week may vary based on the practice schedule for each CUP team
- Current Training Schedule for November & December 2023:

4:30-5:30 PM - Any '05-'06 Players
5:30-6:30 PM - Any '09 Players
6:30-7:30 PM - Any '08 Players
7:30-8:30 PM - Any '07 Players
5:30-6:30 PM - Any players who have practice on Monday (Example: '08/'09 Silver team)

Price of Training: $200.00/phase

Notice: If your child does not fit into the above schedule, please contact us at or call at (513) 407-8809 and we will likely be able to accommodate.

Contact Us

Training Information

Each training session will include:
- Speed & Agility Training
- Plyometric Training
- Explosive Speed & Power Development
- Full Body Strength Training
- Fitness/Conditioning Training tailored to your team's competition schedule
- Individual training adjustments can be made for injured athletes if necessary

See Below for Membership Purchase Details

November 13th-January 31st

Team Training Membership for CUP Players for the Months of November, December, and January

February 1st-March 31st

Team Training Membership for CUP Players for the Months of February and March

April 1st-End of Season

Team Training Membership for CUP Players for the Months of April, May, and June
Give Us A Call!